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Oscar Resort Hotel. Oscar Resort Hotel, Kuzey K?br?s’?n turizm incisi olan Girne sehir merkezine sadece 1.5 km mesafe uzakl?kta bulunan bir tesistir. Denize s?f?r konumda huzur veren bahcesi ve essiz aktiviteleri ile konuklar?na luks bir tatil imkan? sunmaktad?r. Oscar Resort Hotel, Oscar Oteller Grubu uyesi 4 y?ld?zl? (****) tesis olarak hizmet vermektedir. Site, yüksek oranlarla en geniş spor bahisleri istanbulbahis yuvalar yelpazesini sunmaktadır. The Colony Hotel. The Colony Hotel, Kuzey K?br?s’?n turizm kenti Girne’de Akdeniz’in essiz manzaras?na naz?r kurulu olan bes y?ld?zl? bir oteldir. Kolonyal mimari tarz?nda ve Osmanl? doneminin ihtisaml? gorunumune sahip olan tesis Ercan Havaalan?na 40 km mesafe uzakl?kta yer almaktad?r. …

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We believe innovation and creativity are integral parts of our business, and we leverage new technology to increase our productivity. We strive for continuous development with agile approaches guided by our corporate culture and principles. With the awareness of our social responsibilities, we participate in social activities to the maximum extent. To contribute to the stable growth of the industry by developing and maintaining a diverse range of products capable of satisfying customers' needs and demands in terms of life insurance and private pensions. To increase our market share by combining our achievements in offering innovative products and creating value through an extensive service network. To provide customers with financial security and enable them to accumulate savings for their retirement by benefiting from our experience and effectiveness in the industry to achieve superior performance in the management of pension funds. To maintain a sustainable level of profitability which is above the market average. …

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